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Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial Agreement

We The People makes the process of creating a Prenuptial Agreement easy and affordable. We have a simple workbook that asks for the information needed to prepare the legal document for you.

A prenuptial agreement, antenuptial agreement, or premarital agreement (PNA), commonly abbreviated as prenup, is a contract entered into prior to marriage, civil union, or any agreement prior to the main agreement by the people intending to marry or contract with each other.
The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage. They may also include terms for the forfeiture of assets as a result of divorce on the grounds of adultery; further conditions of guardianship may be included as well.

What does a prenuptial agreement by We The People cover?

  • -Rights to property (whether owned individually or as a couple)
  • -The distribution of assets and debts during marriage, or in the event of death or divorce
  • -The right to buy, lease, sell, transfer or otherwise control property
  • -Rights regarding the management of a family business
  • -The rights to alimony, including the amount and duration of an alimony award
  • -Each spouse’s entitlement to death benefits from the other’s life insurance policy
  • -Any other issues you would like to address

Is a prenuptial agreement right for you?

Prenuptial agreements are customized for each couple. Some examples include a single parent wanting to remarry might want a premarital agreement to protect a child’s inheritance or other finances. A well-to-do individual might want an agreement to retain their fortune or even for tax purposes. A prenup allows couples to keep control of property and choose how to divide assets and debts based on the couple’s unique needs.

What about child custody and child support?

Prenuptial agreements in New York cannot resolve issues regarding the education, support, and care of children. However, parents can create an agreement that addresses future child support and custody issues, and the judge will refer to the prenuptial agreement before making the final decision on child custody and support. However, the court must verify that the parent’s agreement is in the child’s best interest.

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