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Alimony - How Long? How Much?

Alimony: the money one spouse may pay another upon divorce according to a court-sanctioned agreement or a court order.

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Alimony - How Long? How Much?

Alimony - How Long? How Much?

We The People

Alimony: How Long & How Much
Alimony is referred to in New York statutes as spousal maintenance and, fun fact, alimony is usually paid to men in only about 10% of all cases. 

NYS Online Alimony Calculator

Can only women get alimony?
No, alimony can be given to either a man or a woman, depending on their specific situation. However, it's important to know that in the whole country, men receiving alimony is quite rare, happening in only about 3% of cases.

Who Pays Who?
In New York, it's important to understand that maintenance (or alimony) is paid by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse. It doesn't matter if you're the husband or the wife; the key factor is who earns more money.

What information does the court need about my money to figure out alimony?
Both spouses have to show the court everything they earn and own. This means sharing documents like pay stubs, tax returns, and records that prove how much money and property they have.

Once the court has all this info, they'll decide how much everything is worth. The stuff you own and if it can make money might affect how much alimony you get.

What determines the amount of alimony in New York State?
The amount of alimony (spousal maintenance) to be paid is determined through a combination of factors, including:
1) Income and Financial Resources: The court considers both spouses' incomes and financial resources. This includes not only their current earnings but also any potential future income.
2) Standard of Living During Marriage: The court may look at the standard of living that the couple had during their marriage. The goal is to ensure that the recipient spouse can maintain a reasonably similar standard of living after the divorce.
3) Length of the Marriage: The duration of the marriage can influence the alimony amount. Longer marriages may result in higher alimony payments.
Additional Alimony Factors

Here are some more things that the court thinks about when deciding how long alimony should be paid:
1) Financial Needs and Bills:
The court looks at what both spouses need to pay for important things like a place to live, food, and medical expenses.
1) Age and Health: How old and healthy each person is matters. If someone is older or not in good health, they might get alimony for a longer time because it can be harder for them to get a job.
1) Education and Skills: The court checks if both people have the right education and skills to find work. If one person needs more education or training to get a job, it can affect how long they get alimony.
1) Help in the Home: If one person did a lot of important things at home, like taking care of the house or the kids, that can also be considered when deciding alimony.

How Long Do I Get Alimony?
How long someone gets alimony depends on a few things, and it's not the same for everyone.
1) How long the marriage lasted:
If it was a long marriage, alimony might last longer.
2) The difference in how much money each person makes: If one person earns much less, they might get alimony for a while to help them become more financially independent.
3) How old and healthy both people are: If someone is older or not feeling well, they might get alimony for a longer time because it can be harder for them to find a job.

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